Hey Reader,

Happiness is my choice. I’ve been working on my next book on sustaining happiness under all circumstances for about three months.

Smack in the middle of my first draft, I was hit with big traumatic situations that were out of my control. My ex-husband, the father of my four kids, was found dead in his apartment. I knew they would have a hard time with this, and I would have to support them in their grief. What surprised me was how much I was grieving. He was the husband of my youth.

I used all the mindset coaching tools and secrets in my Happiness book to bring happiness back and provide a peaceful place for my kids. A quote from my book:

“I believe happiness is a state of mind. Therefore, it can be intentional and strategic. You can experience happiness even when circumstances aren’t aligned with it.

My statement helped, but not enough. What helped the most was resolving all emotional issues and forgiveness. I then found happy memories in that marriage. Now I was feeling good and happy.

But then another tragedy hit just three days later. My husband took a big fall and was transported by ambulance to the hospital for head trauma. I felt as if the world around me was collapsing, and I could not hold it together.

Again, I looked into my writings from my Happiness book. The words courage and inner strength were my blessings from above. I not only held those words in my mind, I held them in my whole spirit, my soul. After a week in the hospital, my husband is home and doing fine.

It took believing that everything would work out and having the courage and the strength to bring peace, love, and happiness to everyone, including myself.

I’ll keep you posted on the status of my Happiness book. If you would like to be a Beta Reader and read the manuscript drafts of the book, send me an email

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